Things Should be Simple

Things should be simpler. This is the thought that has stalked me throughout my career. While complexity is almost assured for any non-trivial solution, we should not place it front and center as a declaration of our capabilities. The purpose of our work should be to invite further innovation and inspire others to stand on our shoulders. “Look at this thing I’ve created! I bet you can’t tell what it does!” has too often seemed to be the victory cry of the battle-hardened developer. My creed is simple:

Seek Understanding and Encapsulate Complexity.

My mission as a developer is to dive into the abyss and force order from chaos. Through external DSL’s, rule engines driven by ubiquitous language, custom frameworks, modular systems design, thorough but flexible project plans, or even down to the simpler but sometimes harder to accomplish insightful documentation I strive to create a more streamlined and focused experience.

Written on March 6, 2021